
Saturday, 29 December 2018

Week 1 kicks off

What's this all about? 

Go and read the manifesto

Is this for you? 

Dunno. It's primarily for me, but if you'd like to learn a new language then you're welcome to share my umbrella.

Look, here's a short list of links. Click on some of them. Bookmark any that you decide are useful, interesting or merely entertaining. Is there anything that motivates you? Since learning a language is a long-term project, it's important to stay motivated. It doesn't help to fall off the wagon.

A word of warning, however. Some of these sites are commercial; they are trying to to sell you something. Well, that's not what I'm after. Me, I'd prefer to dip into sites maintained by ordinary, regular folks. So, if you maintain a blog, vlog, YouTube channel, a Twitter account or anything about learning a language or two that might be of interest to a community of polyglot wannabes, just let me know, and I'll include you on the list. You may even go to the top!

I appear on that list too, but due to modesty will never place myself higher than 10th! 
  1. Steve Kaufmann's YouTube channel and blog
  2. Alex Rawling
  3. All Japanese all the time
  4. Mezzofanti Guild
  5. Fluent in 3 months
  6. Lindsay does languages
  7. 5-Minute language
  8. Luca Lampariello 
  9. Richard Simcott
  10. The Play-fool Tongue and 20 Tongues 20 Moons
  11. Language Surfer

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